Physio Synergi 760-727-7406
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We specialize in
Rapid Rehab

with multiple types of treatments, helping you reduce and relieve pain.

Call for an appointment today!



With purchase of one of our booklets, receive this beneficial Everyday Help booklet FREE ! Gives you valuable tips to help prevent common body problems and injuries, includes sleeping positions and waking up exercises.


To understand the cause of pain and dysfunction and to enable everyone—elite athlete, senior citizen, business executive, and young children— to maximize the performance of their body and to relieve pain and restore perfect function.


Physio-synergi is the art and science of realigning ligaments, tendons, muscles, and bones to their original, perfect alignment providing optimal function, flexibility, and strength.

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Views of the Physio-Synergi facility and Meridith giving a treatment.

We specialize in Rapid Rehabilitation with multiple therapies and treatments including:

Physio-Synergi Therapy: A hands-on technique that realigns muscles, ligaments, and tendons to relieve pain in joints & muscles. It restores, strength, flexibility, and function and also enhances performance.

Physio-Synergi Yoga: A system of movement and exercise to relieve pain (even aging and arthritis pain), restore function, improve performance, flexibility and strength. Originally used by elite and college athletes—now available for everyone. See products for our downloadable booklets with detailed instructions and photos, making it easy for you to practice at home.


For coaches, parents, athletes, exercisers, and anyone else who may feel that they are not at the top of their physical function.



  • Inability to finish a workout, or a day, with the same strength and energy as usual.
  • Loss of range of movement in any joint.
  • Working out harder but performance not improving.
  • Greater stiffness in joints after sleep or even sitting for a period of time.
  • Experiencing greater fatigue with normal exertion, but health is fine.
  • Experiencing pain with normally comfortable activities.
  • Change in balance or coordination.



1. Visual inspection: Stand with feet shoulder width apart and feet parallel on a level surface. Use a mirror if doing a self-evaluation.
Sign of trouble: One hip appears higher than the other.
Solution: Purchase and download Physio-Synergi booklet for Hips, Knees and Feet

2. Moving inspection: Wet feet and walk 5 or 6 steps on dry concrete or walk in sand a few steps.
Signs of trouble:
• One footprint turns either inward or outward. Both feet should point straight ahead.
• More of the arch is leaving an impression on one foot or there appears to be more weight on one foot (this is easier to see in the sand).
• If stride length is different. That is, if measurement from heel to heel on right side is different than same measurement on left side.
Solution: Purchase and download Physio-Synergi booklet for Hips, Knees and Feet


1. Visual inspection: Stand with feet shoulder width apart and feet parallel on a level surface. Close eyes for a moment and assume normal posture. Use a mirror if doing a self-evaluation. If you are evaluating someone else, it helps to have them wear a dark t-shirt and stand against a light wall.
Signs of trouble:
• One ear is closer to the shoulder. They should be the same distance with the head held level.
• One shoulder is higher. They should be the same.
Solution: Purchase and download Physio-Synergi booklet for Shoulders and Arms

2. Moving inspection:
Stand with arms at side, slowly bring them forward then overhead as far as possible.
Signs of trouble: Arms and shoulders experience pain.
Solution: Purchase and download Physio-Synergi booklet for Shoulders and Arms

Stand with arms at sides and move arms out to side and up past shoulders and overhead.
Signs of trouble: Both arms do not have the same range of motion.
Solution: Purchase and download Physio-Synergi booklet for Shoulders and Arms

Stand straight, do not lean forward. Lift or have someone lift your arms as far up behind the back as possible.
Signs of trouble: The motion is not smooth.
Solution: Purchase and download Physio-Synergi booklet for Shoulders and Arms

What It Seems To Be What It May Be What You May Do
Hamstring pull Misaligned femur or pelvis Psoas stretch, hip release,
side to side
Hips, Legs, and Feet
Hip pointer Misaligned femur or pelvis
or tight psoas
Psoas stretch, hip release,
side to side
Hips, Legs, and Feet
Knee weakness, pain
or water on the knee
Rotated femur or tibia
or tight psoas

Psoas stretch, hip release,
side to side, calf release,
towel trick
Hips, Legs, and Feet

Low back pain Spinal misalignment,
pelvic rotation, femur
misalignment, tight psoas
Psoas stretch, hip release,
side to side
Lower Back
Achilles tendon problems Misalignment of tibia or
heel bone (calcaneus)
Psoas stretch, hip release,
calf release, ankle release
Hips, Legs, and Feet
Plantar fasciitis Same as above or
misalignment between
heel and metatarsals

Same as above plus
foot wringing
Hips, Legs, and Feet

Neck injury,
pain or tightness
Tight shoulders and
neck muscles
Neck release, turtle, trap
stretch, rhomboid stretch,
Head and Neck
Upper back pain Spinal misalignment,
shoulder misalignment
Use tennis ball tool, trapezius
stretch, rhomboid stretch
Upper Back
Shoulder injury Misaligned humorous,
scapula, clavicle,
tight trapezius
Same as above plus single
tennis ball, hanging by the
arms, shoulder rotations
Shoulders and Arms
Tennis elbow Misaligned humorous,
radius or ulna
Shoulder rotations, elbow
release, wrist release
Shoulders and Arms
Wrist injuries

Misalignment between arm
and hand or bones of the
arm or thumb

Same as above plus forearm
release with tennis ball
Shoulders and Arms